Hullo all ewes oot there its mee heer big Presley. Mollee said ewes widnae rememburs mee, but ah says ewes wood. See fing is this. Ah have bin rite sad that the little burd floo away frum hur nest and sum one stole hur eggs. Ma Mum fot it wiz the crows and shee said she found eggshell at the crows tree. Wee are pure gutted wiff that. But wur neybur telt ma Mum no tae cry, coz it wiz still errlee eenuff in the seeson fur it tae build an udder nest. So thats cool.
Noo the udder fing is this, and this is reel sad, coz see fing is am in trubbles again. Diz ewes rememburs that ah telt ewe that ma Feeonsee Rag came tae see mee on Valentines day and wee pure kissed frew the bars of the open prizon. Well ah herd that Rag is noo pregnants wiff pups. Ah swear tae masell that is the troof!! Ah kens ewes is pure SOCKED, ah wiz pure SOCKED two!!
Noo see fing is am going tae bee a Dad and mee and Rag isnae even marreed yet! Ah hoped that the puppeees wid look like mee, but maybee best that they look like Rag and have ma Brains! That is probablee the best combinashon.
Noo that is no the sad fing. The sad fing is that Mollee said ah wiznae the Dad tae Rags puppees. She said it wiz a dog called Noah, like yon bloke fae the bible, that built a big boat. But ah dont fink that thats troo. So ah pure went on hungur strike! Ah swear tae masell ah did. Ah says ah wiznae going tae eet anymores dinners until Mollee stopped saying that ma Rag had pure cheeted on mee. So ma Mum telt Mollee no tae upsets mee and shee stopped sayin it fankfoolee, coz that ment ah could eet ma dinners. Ah wiz pure starvin, but ah wiz dane it fur a coz. Coz a coold. Az seen a picktoor of Rag and shee is like pure fat wiff her puppees. Am no normalees intae fat burds, but ah fink ma babe Rag looks pure the biziness and ah loves hur.
Talking of fat burds.... Mollee pure did time in the cooler two days ago. See wit happined wiz thiz. Ma Dad loves chicken fur his dinner. So when wan of the nayburs chickens came into wur gardin, Mollee fot it wid bee cool tae give it two ma Dad fur his dinner times. But see fing is, when she went tae pick it up she pure kilt it. Ah swear tae masell that is the troof. So wit did shee do, but pure dropped it and walked away. So ah picked it up tae give tae ma Dad, but first ah ran aroond the garden wiff it, tae show everyboddees how cool ma Mollee wiz. Mum and Dad wiznae pleesed wiff mee, so ah had tae dae time wiff Mollee in the cooler. Theys are so ungratefool. Thats why ah havenae bin aloud on the compootur. So ah have bin a good boy fur a hole day noo, so am aloud tae use the compootur again.
Ah will speek tae ewes all soon. Big, Big, Big hugs fur ma Feeonsee Rag - ah pure loves ewe.
Love fae big Presley the King xxx
Am away tae fink of names fur ma puppeees!
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