Hullo all ewes oot there, its mee back again, big Presley
Wees hoped that thiz wid bee a reelee good yeer for uz and for ewes, but sadly wur yeer didnae get aff tae a good stert. Fing iz thiz, ma big pal Olly died todays. It wiz very sudden, hee jist died.
Noo fing iz thiz. Olly came to live wiff uz at the Open Prizon in Lan Ark about 14 monffs ago. Man hee wiz soooooo cool, and hee looked jist like Denzil Wenzil - the rite famoss cat - but ma Mum wiz a bit scared aboot that. Anyway, Olly wiz called Olly, coz that wiz hiz name. But fing iz when he came tae live wiff uz, hee had bin pure chucked oot of hiz last hoose coz the plonker that owned him got himself the 'shee devil' tae live wiff him and shee didnae like cats. So she telt the bloke, its ivor mee or the cat. The plonker chose the shee devil and pure pit Olly up fur adoptshon. Hee wiz 9 yeers old and had lived az a hoose cat all hiz life, so in udder wurds hee couldnae look efter himsell ootside. Ma Mum felt rite sorree for him and geed him a home. Hee wiz rite cool and big Mac the black man, pure liked him and hee liked Mac. Coz see fing iz, Mac wiz still missin Denzil Wenzil and Mac needed a cat pal, so in came Olly. Olly wiz a boy, but the plonker that hee used tae live wiff fot hee wiz a girl and called him Holly. Ma Mum isnae intae sex changes - eye az ken ewes cannee beelevee that lookin at hur, but anyways, shee said that isnae rite and wee will drop the 'H' and call him Olly!! Olly wiz pure the bizziness and when Charlee (a wumin cat) and Zorro (who used tae bee called Zara), came tae live wiff uz, they pure moved in wiff Olly. Noo Charlee (a sex change wumin cat), seen Olly, shee pure fell in love. Az cannee say the same aboot Zorro (the udder sex change cat), hee didnae like him at all and theys wur always geein eetch other a doin. Az hopes ewes have kept up wiff all the sex change names in thiz hoose - az finks az am the only wan wiff a reel name, an ah fink Mollee reelee iz a Molleee!!! Anyways, ah used tae have tae go an visit Olly and Zorro and ah wid say 2nd's away, round free!! So theys could stert boxin again. It wiz rite funnee. But fing iz thiz fot ewe wur a rite pure gentleman, and ewe were rite loved and will bee rite missed.
Az kens that Denzil Wenzil will bee waitin fur ewe at the Bridge. Sleep tite ma wee buddee, wee loves ewe loads. xxxxx
Az am away noo, a very sad big Presley the King xxx
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