Noo ewes is all wunderin why az am sooooo happee todaes. Well there are too fings that have made mee happee todaes. Numbur wan iz that ma Mum haz bin talkin aboot goin on a croose soon. How cool iz that? That meens that mee and Mollee gets a holeedaes even if wees didnae leeve the Open Prizon hear at Lan Ark. Coz see fing iz, ah can dae wit a like when theys are no hear an ah gets pure spoiled. See ma Mum pure tells everybuddee that ah am a nut job, but ah pure like tries to beehave masell so peepells fink ma Mum wiz tellin them porkee pies! So the peepells feel rite sorree fur mee and gee mee unners of cuddells and sumtimes kissess. Am no so soor ah likes them given mee kisses, but ah soor likes tae give them kisses, espeshally if ah have jist cleened oot ma bits. So ah wiz finkin that ah should gee ma Mum sum monee fur spending on holeedae and she can bring mee back sumfin nice. But then, wate wan minit, ah have a dielemmarr. Coz ma pal in Souff Koreeeah haz learned how tae Klone a dug. Eye that iz troo.
So, ah wiz finkin that maybees ah sould save up ma pockit monee and buy masell a reel dug of masell. Can ewes imagin how cool that wid bee if there wiz too King Presleys insted of Wan King.
Noo see ah kens wit ewes are finkin, ewes are finkin why wid King Presley want an udder King Presley. Well, ah wiz finkin that if there wiz too King Presleys, ma Klone could stay hear wiff ma Mollee and ah could go and live wiff ma Feeonsee Rag. Noo sumtimes, ah wid swop places wiff the Klone and come back hear tae the Open Prizon tae make soor Mac isnae tryin tae move in on ma Mollee. Noo its xpensive tae get a Klone of mee, so ah wid need to save up fur aboot 49 yeers, but ah finks it wid bee worff it. So ma dielemmarr is thiz, dae ah gee ma Mum spendin monee fur hur holedae tae bye mee sumfin nice or does ah save up fur a Klone??
Az will need tae gee thiz wan a bit of fot, but az will let ewes ken wit ah have decided.
Love fae big Presley the King - the Wan King at the moment. xxxxxx
The first Piktoor iz the Reel King Presley an the second wan is wit ma Klone wid look like!
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