Hullo its mee hear, wate till ewe here this troo storee. Aboot 1 yeers ago, a Scottish noo's paper says they were looking fur blog storee's fur there paper. Ah cannee tell ewes witch paper it wiz, but ah fott to masell, thats cool, ah will let them reed ma blog. But fing is this, ma Mum says that ma blog wiz fur Adults to reed and no sootable fur childrens, so if ah wanted to let thems reed ma blog ah wood have to cleen up ma act and take oot all ma bad wurds. It took me b......y ages to do that cos sumtimes ah tell it as it is and sumtimes that meens ah use norty wurds, cos am just me King Presley. Noo the fing is, the paper wanted good storee's cos the twa dugs that rote the blog every b........y week in the paper were mega, mega, mega boring. All they ever did wiz go to the park, they didnae even have a personalitee's like mee. Ah felt sorree fur thems cos theys has a boring life, but if they had red ma blog they cood have found out how to have a life.
Anyways ah cleened up ma blog and even then they didnae want it, cos ah wood have made thems look sillee. Now that ah kens that no kids (babee goats) or childrens will reed this, ah can bee masell again. So fing is this if ewe is eesilee offended, ah suggest ewe reed there slog and no ma blog. The King is BACK!! lots of love Big Presley the King of Lurchers and lover of the beech babes. xxxxxxxxxx
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