Hullo all ewes, wate till ah tell ewes ma storee, this is troo and socking! Yesterdaes wee's went to visit the Vet Docktor, but wee wiznae hurted and wee wiznae ill so wee didnt need to be eggsamined. Ma Mum wiz talkin to the Vet Docktor (ah calls him the Minister, but that is a disguise fur his ill eagle goings on) and he gave ma Mum a bag wiff huge white pills in it! See fing is this, ah watches all the Pollis programmes on the TV's and ah kens all aboot Speed, Crack and Anfetameens, and am sure ma Mum bott drugs!! Ah kens ewe is all socked - cos after alls, ma Mum is daft eenuff wiffoot taking drugs. Anyways, sumfin happined at the Vet Docktors witch ah will tell ewes aboot 2morros, but it wiz soooooo funnee that mee an Mollee forgot aboot the Drugs. So last nite mee and Mollee's wiz sitting wathing Coppers on the Tellys, and ah herd Mum sayin to Dad "OMG ah forgot to give 'u know wit' to Presser and Smaller"!! Ma Da said "OMG ewe is pure a nutjob". Noo, ah kens it wiznae an errlee kissmass present, but ah didnae ken wit it wiz. So nexx fing Mum comes in wiff 2 of her best china bowls and in thems wiz ice screams and bannanna's. Then she pure says in her poshest acksent "Oh Pressleee oh Mollllleee look wit Mummee has fur ewe"!! See mee ah smelt a Rat and ah says to Mollllleee, have wee bean good today? Nope wiz the ansur, cos wee laffed at sumfin at the Vets that wee shouldnae have laffed at. But wee's ate wur ice scream wiff grate gusto - then ah spots them hidden in the bannnnanas - the DRUGS!!!! Ah ken wee wood not be given sumfin nice to eet when it wiznae even kissmas times yet. So see mee am cliver and ah ate all ice screams and left the drugs. Ah have a feeree and ah fink Mum wanted a long lie in hur bed, so she tried to Drug us, but she pure failed. Mollee says shee finks they were fur Worms, but these drugs were soooooo big a worm wood have pure choaked on thems. So ah fink it wiz to subdoo mee and Mollee. It got mee to finkin, maybe ah cood be a drug search dog in the Pollis or at the airports. This is a picktoor of the eevidense of them tryin to drug us!! Ah wiz such a smart dog that ma Mum gave mee and Mollee a speshall treet laters of Corned Beef and she said "eet up Presley ewe is ah a GOOD boy"!! 
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