Now see fing is, ah made it ma life time ambishon to torture ma Mum fur giving ma bruver Aaron away and ah fink ah have made a good job of sending hur around the twist over the past 5 yeers (and everybuddee else who kens mee). But see fing is, ah fink fings have got rite out of hand. See after a long hard days, sumtimes ma Mum likes to reelaxx wiff a glass or free of wine and shee likes to do hur impershonastion of ma Da. For those who havenae seen ma Mums impershonastion of ma Da, it involves being inco-hearant when he speeks, dribbling and making funnee noises from half way doon his bodee (Mollee says am no aloud to use the wurd f*rt). Anyways, ma Dad wiz worreed that if ma Mum went oot tae work in hur car in all the snow, that she cood get stuck and wee woodnae see hur again fur days, maybee even monffs if wees were reelee luckee. So he got hur noo stickers for hur car, no wan, no too, but free stickers, so that anybuddee going to helps hur woodnae miss wit the problem wiz. He only went and got hur stickers advertising Alcohollicks Annonomus!! Ah swear that is the troof!! The sticker reeds sumfin like this...... If ewer car has broken doon or ewe has bean involved in an acksident, AA should be ewer first point of call for assisstanse - reesult or wit!!. In order to ressussitate the driver of this veehickle, pour sum loobricant doon the drivers froat, like wines or brandee's - thats should do the trick. How cool is that?? 

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