Anyways ah will tell ewe a socking storee and ah swear this is the troof. Last Sundae mee and Mollee and ma Mum and Dad wur dressed up like turkee's fur Kissmass in wur Santa Paws Soots and wee's went tae Princess Street in Edinburger fur tae colleck monee's fur all the Greyhounds at Royal Heart Greyhound Rescoo.
Noo fing is this, all the Pawperattsee were oot in their hunners taking picktoors of mee, ah wiz pure mobbed by all ma fannee's, so that wiz cool. But then SOCK!! Ewes will no beeleeve this, but nexx fing ah pure see's an udder black dog who wiz dressed sames as mee!! Eye that is troo, there is pure a King Presley IMPAWSTER on the loose in Edinburger.
He wiz standing in the shop window of ma Mums favorite shop Jenners looking oot at mee, wissing he wiz mee!!
Ah says 'hey, ewe is an impawster of mee', and he pure just stared back at mee.
So ah pure shouted at him and telt him to get himsell tae F....... (Faraway that is). Ewes will no beeleeve wit he did, he pure shouted back at me, telling me tae get masell tae Faraway in the same shout as ah do!
Antee Jennifurs and ma Mum pure laffed at this, but this wiz no funnee, coz this impawster cood move in on ma No.1 Beetches saying hee wiz mee when he wiznae mee.
This picktoor shows ewe mee pure looking at him standing in Jenners window. Ma Mollee says it wiz ma refleckshon, but ah dont want a refleckshon impersonating mee.
Pee Ess, Pleese do not give monee to this impawster or tell him witch buzz to take to see ma Feeonsee and Love Child. Fank Ewe. xx

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