Deer Santa Paws
Hullo, its mee hear big Presley, an az am wantin tae tell ewe wit ah wid like fur ma Kissmass. Az have fot aboot this fur ages and ah wid like all the fings on ma list, but if ewe can only manage wan, ah guess ah will have tae sack ewe.
Numbur. Wan.
Can ewe pleese ask Mollee tae stop killin wur Mr Jingles and try and catch wan that wees can keep fur a pet. She haz pure kilt aboot 956,003 mice....oops no make that 956,004 - thats an udder won kilt.
Numbur. Too.
Can ewe arrange fur mee tae marree Rag (but dont tell Mollee) That wid be rite bigamee an cool, fur tae have too babe wifes.
Turd Fing.
Can ewe arrange fur mee tae work wiff the Poliss az ah Poliss Dug. Noo see fing iz, mee and Mollee wiz watchin the tellys the udder nite and ah pure seen a Poliss dug in ackshon. Wit happined wiz thiz. A man wiz pure runnin away frum the Poliss and the Poliss Man let the Poliss Dug aff the leed tae chase the man. Noo ah fot that wiz rite cool, but then efter aboot 2 hoors the Poliss Dug like pure cot the man hee wiz chasin and then hee played tug of war wiff his jacket. Mollee fot the Poliss Dug wiz rite cool dane that and ah fink shee pure fanceed him. Noo ah fink ah wid bee reelee good at this and make a rite cool Poliss Dug. Coz ah can run rite fast, and ah loves playin tug of wars. Mind ewe, ah prefers playin tug of war wiff the skin on hoomans hands and arms rather than wiff the jackets theys iz wearin. The reeson fur thiz iz that, the hoomans makes rite funnee faces when ah plays thiz game and ma Mollee pure laffs at the faces the hoomans make. Sumtines the hoomans even adds in sound effects if az plays tug of wars wiff udder parts of there bodees, an thats reel cool. So ah wid like it fur ewe tae arrange fur mee tae bee a Poliss Dug and then ah will be able tae get oot of ma prizon cell fur the day and go and play Poliss games all days.
Can ewes picktoor mee as a reel Frank Drebbin fae naked gun? How cool wid that bee. Ah fink az wid even get awards fur ma work and that beets bean a seecoority dug here at the open prizon.
Numbur Fore
Ah dont have a numbur fore
Numbur five
Can ewe pleese gee mee a noo collar. Ah wid like a Gold wan or a Silver wan, but no wan wiff flour's on it.
Rite thats it, fank ewe very mutch.
Love fae Big Presley the next Poliss Dug! xxxx