Hullo everyboddee, its mee big Presley and az oot of the cooler and am back fur the noo yeers!
Wee's had tae cansell wur noo yeers coz ma best buddee Olly went tae join Denzil at the Bridge.
But noo az am back and fings are back tae normals.
Mind ah telt ewe wees had a noo gold on-sweet in wur livin room and ah pure lifted ma leg and did wit a king haz tae do, well ah canee rememburs if ah telt ewes it pure lit up like a kissmass tree, but it did thats the troof. Well ah should say it did!! See fing iz, az am gettin the blame fur blown the bloomin fing up, all coz the lites went oot on Boxin day and wees have had tae send it back.
Noo ma big bruver Wizzee Wonga iz feelin himsell again, so thats cool and so iz ma big sistur Roobee, the udders have always felt themsells!! Yuck!! Sumfin horrid happined tae mee the udder day but az didnae tell anyones, but az will tells ewes if ewes promiss no tae tell anybuddees. See fing iz, ah dont ken how ah managed tae do thiz, but ah have cut ma tale! Its troo ah did. Noo under normal circumsizes there wid bee a lot of blood frum a cut tale, but ah have cut ma tale rite up neer ma back bottom and thats how naebuddee kens its there. Ah didnae want the vet docktur tae look at ma back bottom, so ah jizt preetends az am cleenin oot ma bits.
Noo fing iz, az hopes ewe all got wit ewes wanted frum Santa Paws, coz ah have sacked him, coz hee only geed mee wan fing frum ma list and that wiz a noo collar. Its pritty cool, its Royal Bloo, fit fur a King like mee. Mollee looks cool in hurs, coz its silver wiff black and it pure matches hur eyes. Wees wur goin tae bye ma Mum a noo collar fur hur kissmass, wan tae match hur eyes, but wee couldnae find a yellow wan!!
In 20000009 az am goin tae see a sikyatrist, coz ah have a sindrome. No bipolar, coz that iz wit homosextual white bears gets. Az have attenshon seekin sindrome, bipresley. Noo ah dont mind if az am cured of ma sindrome, az long az ah still gets lots of attenshon.
So ah will let ewes ken how ma treetment goes. How cool iz that havin a sindrome.
Rite am away tae wiss ma nayburs dugs a happeee noo yeers.
Love fae Presley the King xxxxxxxxx