Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Mum and Dad had a joint!

Hullo all ewes oot there, how are ewes all doin todaes?
Well mee and Mollee had a grate dae yesterdaes, but can ewes beelevee it, coz it got even bettur. See wit happined wiz thiz, ma Mum decided tae have a joint. Noo ah swears tae masell that iz the troof. Ah seen her gettin oot all the fings fur tae make it. She had stuff that looked like grass and tinfoil and a spoon and off she goes wiff grate gusto take make it. It wiz the biggest joint ah had ever seen in the hole of ma life. Mee and Mollee wur pure laffin at her, coz Mum wiz pure kiddin on like shee kent wit shee wiz doin wiff it, but they could have shared it wiff aboot 10 peepells and pure enjoyed it. Then ma Dad comes home and ma Mum says wiff a big smile on hur face, wees are going tae have a joint. Well ewe should have seen the look on ma Dads face, it wiz like pure shock horror!! Hee says tae Mum, ah cannee rememburs the last time ah had a joint, ah finks it wiz a University, when ah had long hair, and didnae ken wit dae of the weak it wiz. Well between ewe and mee, ah diznae fink ma Mum kent wit dae of the weak it wiz eiver. So, shee pure sat ma Dad doon and geed him the joint. Well ah swears tae masell, Mee and Mollee pure laffed fur ages. Coz ma Mum wiz rite chuffed wiff hur effort and ma Dads face wiz a picktoor. Ma Dad unwrapped the tinfoil, wiff the spoon in hiz udder hand and looked at the joint! It wiz still massive, ah fink ma Mum must have dun sumfin rang. Before wee kent wit had happined there wiz blood everywhere, honest there wiz. Mee and Mollee wur pure laffin so mutch bye noo ah fot Mollee wiz goin tae do hur usual and wet hursell. Like ah fot, Mum had messed up hur joint and shee hadnae cooked it long eenuff. It wiz like pure raw in the middell.
See fing iz, ma Mum bot the joint fur the time that wees had friends commin tae visit, but shee pure had niver cooked wan so big, and thats how shee didnae cook it long eenuff.
So mee and Mollee ended up wiff the joint and theys ended up wiff cold meet!! A purrfect end tae a purrfect dae fur mee and Mollee. Wees wur fool up and wees will bee eetin the joint fur the rest of the weak. Fanks Mum, ewe are a star, wees love ewe, even if ewe is a plonker!
Love tae ma Antee Noras, love fae big Presley the King who loves a joint xxxxxxxxx

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