Friday, 10 December 2010

A Horrid fing happined too Charlee

Am up errlee todaes Mollee wants to go mouse hunting. Fing is this ah wiz sittin hear pure bean cool and surfin the nett and ah wiz socked to reed aboot Charlee and Cameelion bean attacked. Noo see mee, ah dont normallee's get masel involved in Politicks cos it's no ma fing unless it is to do wiff aneemals or royaltee fings that wood affeck mee. Ah fott to masell if Prince Charlee cood bee attacked wit wood these Neds do to a King. Noo fing is this, the neds that attacked the Prince wiz protestin that all the hard working peepells of the country shood pay more of their tooishon fee's fur them to spend at the pub. In princeepal ah fink its a good idear fur tax payers to pay fur everyone to go to the pub, in fact ah fink it wood help ma Mum and Dad if drinks in pubs were free, but lets face it, am reel smart and that is no going to happen - ah mean, how wood the pub owners pay fur fings like peenuts and crisps, if no buddee paid fur their drinks. When ah went to primaree dog skool, ma Mum had to pay fur it - shee paid deerlee and is still paying - but she didnae expect anybuddee to pay fur mee to be reel cliver. Even when I went to high skool ma Mum paid fur that two. Ah wiz so cliver there wiz no point in mee going to Universitee, so Mum didnae have tae worree aboot payin fur that and look how well ah have done fur masell. Do ewes ken Lord Allan Soogar and Richard Branston Pickle, well they admires mee soo mutch they wanted to bee just like me and didnae even bover going to skool and they's dun no bad fur themsells. Ah fink they stoodents who attacked Prince Charlee and his Cameelion shood be locked up fur all the damages theys has caused, after all thats wit happened to mee, ah wiz locked up in Lan Ark open prizon fur causing damages to fings. That tott mee a valuable lesson in life, if ewe is going to damage fings make sure ewe dont get cott, udderwise ewe will be poot in prizon. This is ma message to all the stoodents oot there: The wurld does not owe ewes a rite to go to Universitee, if ewes cannee afford tae sit in the pub getting drunk all day then get a job, get a life, stop moanin, cos the country is alredee in a rite b..........y mess due to fudd's who went to universitee and are noo running the country. King Presley the Fillosifer. xx

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