Friday, 3 December 2010

A noo compeetishon

Fur a chance to win a kissmass hat and scarf fur ewer dog or poosee cat this is ma compeetishon. The furst 2 dogee peepells to win and the furst cat persun to win will win. Cool.

This is ma questions witch ewe can replys to on ma facebook.

1 Wit iz ma reel bruver called?
2 Where do ah live?
3 What is Smallee's reel name
4 What is ma Feeonsee called
5 What does ma Mum do fur a living
6 How many poosee cats do ah have
7 How many pets in total live wiff mee
8 What is ma love child called
9 How old is mee and Mollee
10 How old is ma Feeonsee

All the ansurs are on ma blog - fanks love big Presser xxxxxxxxxxx

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