Saturday, 18 April 2009

Campin on the Motorways

Hullo all ewes oot there in sybee land, how are ewes all todays? Fank ewes very mutch for all the eemales ewes have sent mee fur Charlee tae say 'pleese do not self harm', ah fink it worked coz ah havenae seen hur pool hur fur oot for aboot two days noo.
Diz ewe rememburs that ah telt ewes aboot the time ma Mum wiz doon in Engerland wiff hur work and a caravan pure went on the wacky races wiff the car that wiz ment to bee towing it? Well ewes will no beeleeve wit am aboot tae tell ewes this time, but ah swear its the troof. A foo days ago ma Dad went tae Engerland fur tae help ma Mum wiff work and rite at the same place as the caravan wiz crashed wiz peepells campin on the motorways. Honest that is the troof. See wit happined wiz this. Ma Dad wiz drivin up the motorways and nexx fing he see's is the car in front of him pure breakin. Ma Dad slowed rite down and seen that peepells up ahead had a roof rack fing that wiz open and all there camping geer wiz on the motorways. Ah fink they must have reel liked that spot fur tae camp oot. Noo ah diznae fink ewes should try this at home, coz ah fink it is rite danegeros fur tae camp on the motorways and ewes could get a parkin ticket. Ah kens a rite nice camp site fur tae pit up a tent, but ah canny tells ewe where it is, udder wise ah wid bee mobbed when ah went on holeedays campin. Noo ah wid also like tae point oot that when ah says ah go campin, ah meens that when ah goes on holeedays that ah live in a tent. But ah can tells ewe that ah telt Fat Bazil that campin ment he had tae walk funnee and take a pink backpack. So when Bazil goes campin hee looks reel funnee and all the udder dogs pure stay away frum him. Ma Mollee telt mee that wiznae a nice fing tae do tae Bazil the Brush, but ah fot it wiz cool. Am away tae get ma backpack redee fur ma nexx holeedae, ah always pack ma speedos in case wee go neer watur.
Speek soon, love fae big Presley The King xxxxxxxxxxx

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