Hullo all ewes oot there, fank ewe fur agreeing that ma Roobee iz a pure babe. Noo sum of ewes asked how auld Wizzee Wonga iz, well am happee to reports that hee iz dane fine and ah will tell ewes a troo storee about him. When ah seen Roobee gettin hur picktoor took yisterday, ah says tae Wizzee Wonga, ewe will need tae get ewer picktoor taken. He said, wit fur? Ah telt him wees wur getting noo mug shots taken fur wur prizon ID kards. (ID stands fur 'Inn Deetenshon'), so auld Wizzee wanders off tae find oot when it wiz hiz turn fur tae have his foto took. He pure wandered aroond the garden fur aboot two hours, and ah wiz laffin, but ma Mollee said that it wiznae funnee tae laff at Wizzee, coz Wizzee cannee see. So, ah says, Wizzee, ewe need tae go intae the front garden, and ah fink this did help him, coz he eventooallee found ma Dad wiff his camera. Ah says tae Wizzee Wong, dont smile, its no a picktoor fur the familee foto albums, its a front voo mug shot! This is the result. Noo, pleese do not laffs, coz its not hiz falt hee looks like this, but check oot the nick of auld Wizzee the Wonga! This is the best Mug Shot ah has ever seen in the hole of ma life.
Auld Wizzee the Wonga's Mug Shot!!
Ah will see if ah can find any more picktoors fur ewes tae look at, or should that be laff at?
Love fae big Presley the King xxxx.
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