Saturday, 11 April 2009

Guess who came tae visit mee?

Hullo all ewes oot there its mee hear big Presley The King.
Well ah have an udder troo storee fur ewes. See fing iz, yisterday ah herd ma Mum coming home from hur work and then ma Mum and Dad came into ma prizon cell, witch is the turd one doon the corridor, and they telt me and Mollee wees had a visitur. A fot that wiz pure dead brillent coz wee don't get many visiturs. The last visitur ah had wiz ma Feeonsee Rag and hur sisturs, when they visited mee on Valentines Day. So wee went oot into the garden and ewes will no beeleeve who had come tae visit us. Can ewes guess? Will ah give ewes a cloo? It wiz none udder than ma very own Antee Rachels! Yes, thats troo, ah swear tae masell. How cool wiz that? Ma very own Antee Rachels. Ah went pure nuts and jumped all over hur! Ah loves ma Antee Rachels. Noo fing iz, normalees when ma antee Rachels comes tae visit, its coz ma Mum and Dad are going away fur a foo days, but ma Antee Rachels just pure came tae visit mee. Am no sure how shee got hear, but ah fink she maybee took the bus and the train or sumfin. The sad fing is, she couldnae stay long, and shee had to leaf. Ah wiz rite sad aboot that. Mollee wiz rite sad that Unkill Eddee wiznae wiff her, coz Mollee pure loves him. Antee Rachels if ewe is reedin this, can ewe pleese come back and stay wiff us soon and wee will have an udder rave.
Ah have a questshon fur ewes all. The udder day ah seen a Seep that had too lamms. Noo fing is wan lamm wiz white and wan lamm wiz black. Ah dont ken how that happined but ah have sum ideers. Anyways, ma questshon is this. Do ewe fink that the white lamm finks he is black, and the black lamm finks hee is white? Pleese fink aboot ma questshon and send ewer ansurs tae mee at ma eemale address. The winner gets a free pass tae visit mee at the open prizon, that is if its a pure babe that wins.
Am away noo tae take care of biziness. Love Big Presley the King xxxxxxxxxx

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