Hullo all ewes oot there, how are ewes today? Noo fing is, ah am reelee trommatised, and ah have had nitemares. This is a troo storee. See wit happined wiz this, yisterday wiz a reel nice hot day here at the open prizon and wees wur aloud oot in the exersise yard fur pure ages. Ma Mum and Dad wiz dane sum gardening, thats where they pool oot all the flowers and leeve all the weeds. Thats coz they diznae ken a flower frum a weed. Anyways, nexx fing wiz that ma Mum says 'ah have pure dun eenuff gardening and am away tae pit on ma summer clothes'. Well nexx fing wiz, shee pure appeered in the exersise yard in a tea shirt and white shorts!! Ah swears tae masell that is the troof. How gross is that? Yuck!! Niver in the hole of ma life have ah ever seen legs as white as that. Well once ah seen a turkee wiff legs like that. Mollee pure laffed, but ah couldnae beeleeve wit ah wiz seen and thats why ah have bin trommatised ever since and when ewes see the picktoors ah finks ewe will agree. Ah fink ah will start a campane, fur tae tell ma Mum tae keep they legs under cover fur the next 40 yeers.
Sum vooers may find these picktoors dissturbin, so caushon is advised.
OMG check oot the nick of those
The only wan the wiznae trommatised wiz Wizzard coz hee cannee see, so Ruby pit the glasses on coz she couldnae see either and felt betturs rite away.
Ma Mum dressin like that wiz pure torture for uz and ah fink that wee need tae rename wur prizon frum the Lan Ark open prizon, tae Guantanomo Bay, cos they are into torture too.
Ah will need tae go back and see ma sikyatrist noo tae get over ma trommar.
Love fae Big Presley The King xxx
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