Friday, 13 February 2009

9999 Call fur Wizzee!

Hullo all ewes oot there, ewes will no beeleeve wit happin tae auld Wizzee, but thiz iz a troo storee.
See wit happined wiz thiz. Sum of ewes will ken that ma brover big Ivy Pvy went tae Rainbow Bridge on the 30th of January and ever since then, ma udder brover Wizzee haz bin a lot mare relaxxed around the hoose, coz sumtimes Ivy used tae growl at him.
Noo fing iz big Ivy wiz the boss of all the udder inmates, and noo Ivy isnae hear anymores, Wizzee fot hee wid bee the boss, but fing iz so diz Mac and Bazil and Roobee and Mollee, but theys iz all forgettin ah am the boss. Anyways, last nite jist as me and Mollee wur goin tae wur bed, ma Mum hears someone bark and says tae ma Dad, can ewe pleese check on the big dogs. Next fing all hell wiz let looose.
Auld Wizzee had pure pushed hiz way passed Mac and Ivor and Roobee and wan of them pure pit him in hiz place by biting him on the nose. But fing iz, the wiz blood everywhere and ah meens everywhere! Ma Mum says tae ma Dad quick fone the Vet and tell him wees are on wur wae wiff Wizzeee. Noo am no wan tae laff at udder peepells missfortoons, but fing iz ma Mum wiz in hur Jim Jams and Slip Slips reddy fur bed. Ma Dad says go and get dressed, but shee says ah havenae got times, so she jist pit hur jacket on and off theys ran. Ah fot wit the ......., wit if theys get stopped by the Polliss and ma Mum is in hur Jim Jams and pure covered in blood.
Ma Mum didnae need tae pit on the bloo lite on in the car, coz the air wiz bloo wiff what theys wur sayin about the amount of blood Wizzee wiz loosin, and shee took aff oot of hear at 800mph.
But when theys get to the Vet, there wiz a Seep bean takin in two, the seep wiz aboot tae have a Lamm!! Then the Vet seen ma Mum an Dad the Vet said "Oh ........", well ah best no repeet wit the Vet said but he wiz pure shocked and the air in there wiz Bloo two!!. Ah fot it wiz the site of seein ma Mum in hur Jim Jams and Slip Slips! The Vet said "quick, frew hear and get on the table"!! Ma Mum says, ah fink under the circumsizes ah fink ewe should see tae Wizzee first!!
Anyways, it turns oot that Wizzee had severed hiz Vane in hiz gum and the Vet pure had tae stitch the Vane first befour hee could stitch up Wizzee's nose. The Vet says that Wizzee wid have been deed had they even bean an udder 5 minits gettin tae him. Wizzee lost a rite lot of blood, so ma Mum drove at 800 mph back hame tae get Mac in case Wizzee needed a blood transfooshon. Wizzee got back hame last nite wiff his Vane stitched an aboot 80 stitches on his nose. Ah says, "am rite pleesed tae see ewe made it Wizzee, ewe have only pure survived by the skin of ewer nose"!! Then ah fot, probablee best no menshon hiz nose!
Todaes, Wizzee looks like hee has dun 80 rounds with Mike Dyson.
Ma Mum sat up all nite wiff him tae make soor that hiz Vane didnae burst open, so shee didnae get any sleeps, then shee had tae go tae work twodaes pure knackered.
Anyways, Wizzee is pure going tae bee okee, and hee now kens hee iz no aloud tae bee the boss.
But the good noos is that the little Lamm wiz born safely after the Vet did a Librarian Sexshon on the Sheep. Noo am no wan tae tell tails, but the Seep wiz white and the Lamm wiz Black, so ewe ken wits happined there!!!
Well am away tae look efter ma big brover Wizzee, coz hee is sittin in bed wiff a rite long face, so hee must be fed up.
Love fae big Presley the Docktur. Pee Ess, Mollee says hee isnae fed up, hee jizt haz a long face, but ah fink ah will go and cheer him up anyway. xxxxxxxx

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