Saturday, 14 February 2009

Happee Vallentines Daes

Hullo all ewes oot there, ah hopes ewe had a reelee nice Vallentines Daes, coz ah had the happeeest wan in the hole of ma life. Noo see fing iz, ah am no aloud tae go tae the sopps tae bye a Vallentines kards, so ah asked ma Mum if shee could bye mee ma Vallentines kards fur mee tae send tae ma No. 1 babes. Ah had saved up ma pocket monees esspechally fur tae bye them. Shee said shee wood, then coz of everyfin that wiz happenin wiff Wizzee and wiff hur bean so bizzee at work, shee pure forgot. So wit happined wiz thiz, ma Mollee wiz pure greetin when shee seen ah hadnae got hur a Vallentines Kard. Ah telt hur shee wiz ma No.1 babe beetch and ah only ever had eyes fur hur.
Well ewes will no beeleeve wit happined nexx and ah swears tae masell this is the troof. Mee and Mollees wiz wanderin aroond the exercise yard hear at the Open Prizon, wees wur dae dreemin aboot wur Vallentines and nexx fing a seen a car arrive, wiff no wan, but free of ma udder No. 1 babes in it. Ah wiz pure dreemin that ma Feeonsee babe Rag, an hur bootifool sisturs, Sasha and Cas got oot thiz car. Ah shouts to ma Feeonsee, ma babe Rag, ewe has finally come tae see mee in ma Prizon coz ewe diz love mee. Ah dremt Rag came runnin up tae me and geed mee a big kiss frew the gate.
Ma Mollee wiz rite angree, coz not only had shee not got a Vallentines Kard, but then all ma No.1 babes came tae see mee tae wiss mee a happee Vallentines Dae in the flessh.
Ah wiz so pure excited that an ah wiz jumpin fur joy, ah has niver bean so excited in the hole of ma life, and ah niver wanted thiz feelin tae end. But then ah wee while laters a heers a noise and mee and Mollee looked frew the prizon fense and ah seen ma babes bean poot intae a car and driven away. Ah wiz pure rite sad, but ah didnae want ma Mollee tae see mee cry, so ah went intae ma prizon cell an ah fell asleeps finkin aboot ma babes. When ah woke up ma Mollee telt mee ah wiz dreemin and theys hadnae come tae visit me. So now am no soor if theys wur hear or if ah wiz dreemin.
Ah will have tae rite tae ma Anteee Noras and Unkill Dereck and ask them if ah wiz dreemin or no. But wan fing iz fur soor, ah had the bestest Vallentines Daes ah has ever had in the hole of ma life. Ah hope ewes all haz az happee a dae a mee. Love fae big Presley the King xxxxx

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