Hullo all ewes oot there its mee again, big Presley.
Ah have bin reelee bizzee fur the past foo daes. Ah fot ah shood lern sum Spaneesh tae help ma Mum fur when shee goes tae Spane on Fridaes. Noo am no going wiff hur, but ah fot ah cood help wiff hur purrnouseeashon wiff Spaneesh wurds.
Fanks is Grass Sea R's
Yess is Sea
Skoose Mee? is Perrdun?
Toylet is Banjo
Pleese is Porr Fah Vorr
Noo these are rite important wurds, coz noo ma if ma Mum needs the loo, witch iz very importants. Shee haz tae sae iz thiz: Perrdun, Porr Fah Vorr, Can ah huv a shot of ewer Banjo! The Spaneesh wull replies: Sea
Then ma Mum will sae: Grass Sea R's.
How cool iz that, see, ah fink of everyfin, in fact az am goin tae rite sum noo books an they will bee called 'King Presleys Ruff Guide Goin On Holeedaes'. Noo, ah could have a hole seerees of theese 'Ruff Guides'. Ah normallee rites all ma ane books, but ma Mum wiz a Guide aboot 80 yeers ago, so shee haz sum eggspeereeance of them, and lets face it, they diz not come mutch ruffer than hur, so ah may ask hur fur sum help wiff ma noo seerees of books.
Shee haz bin pure bizzee at work, so it mae take mee a while tae rite them. Only last nite shee wiz in Dunndee and shee iz goin back there tonites again. Thats a rite far place, thats where the Krokodiles and Bannanas comes from. Krokodile Dunndee iz ma heerow, and everytimes ah sees a Bannanas it haz Fyfe on it and Dunndee iz neer Fyfe. The udder fing that comes frum up there is seep sh....ers. Diz ewe ken wit ah meens!! All the men up there sheers the seeps.
Take care, love fae big Presley the Spaneesh Speekur. xxxxxxxx
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