Thursday, 6 December 2007

Cross Dressin - Dugs in Drag!!

Az haz geed aw ma pals some training tips, but az haz bean real worried aboot some of ma pals. This is right getting me doon, coz az iz worried theys is bean right frigin tortured in their prison. The wans az iz real bothered aboot is Willow, Millie, Eva and Toby McKay. Their prison guard haz only gone and dressed them up in Santa suits. What is that aw aboot?? Az thinks theys have a right sick prison guard tae dae that tae ma mates. Noo, let me pit this in writin, ewes will never in two million zillion billion years (thats a right long time), EVER catch mees or ma Molls in fancy dress, Esp...cially Santa suits. Thats just NO COOL.

Az canny believe that folks are still being tortured, in this day and age, efter all wees may be in prison, but its hardly Guantanomo Bay. Az kens all aboot that place coz az seen the movie way ma pal Jack Nicholson, A Few Gid Men. Havin said that, the plonker only went and spilled the beans when hees wiz faced with yon wee boy, (az finks he wiz called Tam Ship), in the court room. Az wiz squirmin, coz az didnae think he wid wet himsell under pressure, thats no the way tae go, coz ewes looses all street cred. Jack N, wiz gone tae be wan of ma heros coz he wiz pure dead brilliant in the Shiting, but hees blew it in the court room. Az didnae ken he liked wee boys so much that he went aw that gooey eyed over Tam Ship, and bloo his cover!!

Anyways, tae get back tae wit is worryin me. Ma big pal Blue gets dressed up in wumins clothes and noo the McKay family iz dressin up az Santa Closs, thats just no right, an az dont wont tae end up on Prozac just coz az is worried. Az is going tae see Toby McKay and his femily this weekend and az will need tae have a quiet word way them. Theys looked like they should be on wan of they porny xmas calendars, coz theys wur lying on a bed taegether!! Az jist canny go alang way that type of behaviour.

Az will lets ewes aw ken how az gets on Sunday coz az finks me and Molls iz going tae see some guy called Johnny Walker who haz a Cuntry Park somewhere neer Edinburger. Az will see oz ma Pals there and az will let ewes ken how az gets on. PS. Az is no meant tae ken me and Molls is going, but on Sunday az will yell and yell and yell and yell until theys gets soooooo fed up way me that they will give in and take uz with them!
Big Presley haz left the study and iz takin care of business in the gerden. xx

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