Friday, 21 December 2007

Page Free!!

Az haz 2 fings az iz wantin tae tell ewes aboot tooday. Wan iz pure dead exciting, az haz becomes so famous noo, frew ma blog, that haz ma ane Website. Sure that is pure dead cool? Ma Molls haz been laffin so much since ma website was launched in cyber space, but she wiznae laffin when she hears that az haz millions of hits on it already. She is jealous coz she disnae want any beetches movin in on mee, or better still movin in WAE mee!
Az haznae had any offers fae bootifool beetches yet, but az did have wan weerdo pal, wantin tae get in touch. Its a male dug and thats no right.
Noo the 2nd fing az wiz wantin tae tells ewes aboot is a bit of a problem. Sees az haz ended up on Page Free. Noo what is that awe aboot. Az iz no page 3 material. Wit happened wiz thiz. The prison guard of ma good pal Toby McKay, telt ma Mum & Dad that there wiz a competition on an udder website and she wiz going tae enter ma pal Toby McKay in it. Az didnae ken there wiz dug competitions fur the maste miserable looking dug ever tae walk the face of the earth. But if there wiz, ma best pal Toby McKay wood win it. Anyways, ma Mum fot it wood be a right good ideer tae pit mine and Mollees picture on this website, and az discovered that az wiz picked fur Page 3!! Az hopes theys dont finks az looks like a beetch, coz if theys do, az will have tae send ma Minder Big Black Mac, tae sort thems oot.

Ma Mum telt me that it wiz jist because there wiz so many dugs that had their pictures on it, that theys needed tae spread them over freee pages. Aye oh right az says tae masell, but az swear tae masell that az will bite hur right hard if az finds oot that ma picture is bang slap in the middle of a page fooey awe naked beetches on page 3, coz that wid ruin ma reputashon.
Az fots ewes wid like tae vote fur me. Az dont ken how much pocket money az will gets fur winning this competition, but az finks it could be like £1.00 or sumfin. Az it iz nearly xmas az wiz going tae donate some of ma winnins tae charity, maybees about 1p or somfin, coz az has the rest of the money already spent on buyin choo's, so that ma Molls will get a xmas present. Aye awe right, so az wiz only going tae gee hur the wrappers, but thats so that she can make her ane see frew night gown fur xmas, tae go way her new pawcuffs.
Tae see ma pictures ewes have tae click on the link at the bottom of the collum on the left hand side, right down at the bottom. Its says Greyhound page 3
Az iz Number 205 and 215. Ma Molls is the wee beauty number 202.
But ewes can only pick a first and 2nd choice. So as finks 205 should bee ewer first choice and 215 should be ewer second choice. Az will let ewes ken if az wins.

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