Sunday, 25 November 2007

Ma noo Beetch and Mr Mudpie!!

Hullo, its me big presley here again. Well it widnae be anywan else cos it is ma blog. Right noo, as huz got that cleared up, as just wantin tae tells ewes wit a right good day a hud. This has tae be wan of the best days as has ever hud in the hole of ma life. Noo wit type of day do ewes think ah wid think wiz a good day? Well, as likes a right good mixture of being way ma Molls, ma Mum & Dad, a wee drink, a day oot of the open prison, and loads of beetches. Today az had the lot!!
Me and Molls got taken oot in the Pet Hearse again and wees didnae ken where wees wur going, but wees travelled fur aboot 8 hours and wees arrived at a place called.....well, it diznae matter wit it wiz called, but it wiz a park. Ah sees ma old pal Toby McKay, so that wiz right cool, its always a right releef tae see that hees is still aroond, and his Mum hasnae done him in.
Then az sees a sight and ah fot az had died and gone tae heaven!! Az found a real beetch! Noo she wiz a bit hairy, but az didnae mind that, cos as wiz readin that wumin in Germany are right hairy tae! So as wiz thinkin this beetch must be, like Europeen or sumfin. Az fot she wid be called Heidi or somfin, cos as thinks that is a German type name, but she wiz called Jenna, as guess that wiz pretty close tae ma original guess.
Here is ma new beetch Jenna, noos ewes can look but no touchin. Noo fur ewes way bad eyesight as knows Jenna wiz a real cool beetch, cos shes has 'beetch' written on her collar.

Noo as has tae keep masell in tip top condition for all the beetches to like me so much, and az haz tae work oot in the exercise yard everyday. Noo, ewes all ken just how handsome az is, but let this next picture be a warning tae ewes all, wit will happen if ewes didnae look after yersells. I dont ken wit type of Lurcher this dug is, and I guess he probably looked alright before the 2nd bus hit him, but check oot the nick of this dug!! Az is the wan on the right by the way!! Ewes will no believe wit this dug is called. He is called Mr Mudpie! Thats no right surely?

This get mees thinkin, and me and ma pal Casper (there somfin spooky aboot ma pal Casper), and another new beetch of mine, she is called Lilly Twinkle (dont ask me where that name came fae!!) wees had wan of they conference things (no a pear, cos there wiz 3 of us) aboot Mr Mudpie havin a bit of the old cosmetic surgery done!

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