Noo me and ma Molls decided tae gee big Mac the black bouncer sum time aff, coz it wiz Kissmass, but that meant that wees couldnae go oot in publik. So wees haz jist been dane wit awe right true Royals dae when theys are at hame and az haz been dane a bit of shootin in ma Eestate. Az haz done right well wae ma shootin, and az can noo hit a tree wae ma pee fae a distance of aboot 4 inches away. Cool, eh man? While az wiz practisin ma shootin, ma Molls did a bit of huntin. She wiznae az lucky az mees though, coz she didnae manage tae hunt anyfin. So wees haz still no got oor ane Mr Jingles, maybees wees will be lucky next year. Az did hear a right sad story aboot wit happened tae ma pal Murphy O'Brien and hiz missus Maisie. See their prison guard who is called Mrs Murphy & Maisie O'Brien, she did gets them their ane Mr Jingles, but then ewes will no believe wit she went and done. Az swears tae masell this is true. Shees only went and pit Mr Jingles in the gerden and Murphy and Maisie O'Brien hud tae go and play hide and seek tae get him. That wiz a right bad fing fur her tae dae tae ma pals. Coz az disnae ken if theys ever foond him.
Az finks az should take thiz chance tae wish awe ma pals a right good time tae night and az hopes that ewes huv a right good new year.
Az haz made some pre-dick-shons fur 2008 and az will tell ewes aboot them tomorrow, coz az the only pre-dick-shon az haz hud fur tomorrow is that oor prison guards will no be up oot of their beds before 9am. That means that ma Molls will probably use oor En Suite, which is right next tae the kitchen. Az finks fur a laff that ma Molls should move the en Suite tae oor prison cell door, so that oor Mum & Dad will step in it when theys walk intae oor cell. Az wid right laff at that.
Noo az hopes ewes all huv a right pure dead brilliant night and az will speak tae awe ewes next year and tell ewes ma pre-dick-shons fur 2080. Az iz never wrang way ma pre-dick-shons.
Big Presley haz left the study for the last time this year, az iz takin care of ma business. xx May yur god go wae ewes. xx